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Postcard Photographs - Early 20th Century
from the Roger Vaughan Picture Library

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19 November 2004



Actresses and Music Hall

G.G. No. 1093/6. (Cléo de Merode) [music hall artiste, born September, 27 1875, Paris, France]
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Rotary Photograph No 4063F (Miss Thelma Raye] Photo: Dover St. Studios.
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Cute Young Ladies

Real Photograph No. 010078/6 [cute girl in clogs holding flowers- tinted photo] posted 1922 in UK.
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Amag Serie 0121/2 [Young lady holding flowers - sepia] posted 1913 in UK
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E.A. Schwerdtfeger & Co. London E.C. No. 2322. printed in Germany. [Cute girl in a large hat 'Sunshine']
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Brown & Calder, London. No. 2261/5 [very cute girl - tinted photo] posted [1915?]
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[The Carlton Publishing Co. London E.C] No. 1980/4 [Young lady in pink dress] 'Inspiration' printed in Berlin, posted UK, no date.
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The Carlton Publishing Co. London E.C. No. 3694/4 [Cute girl in large hat - tinted photo] [posted 1913?]
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R.Tuck & Sons, Real Photograph 'Secrets' [two girls showing affection - was a Christmas card] [1921] photo. Berlin.
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E.T.W. Dennis & Sons Ltd, London and Scarborough, No. B60202. (Corporation St., Birmingham) [early 20th century, horses and carriages]
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The Challenge Series. J. S. & S., B. No. 064027 (Colmore Row, Birmingham) posted 1908
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LL [French] (Le Parc de la Malouine, Dinard, France.) posted 1910
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F.F.Paris. No.5. (Notre Dame Church) Paris. posted July 1920.
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